Daily aspirin therapy no longer recommended for those without a history or heart attack or stroke


According to a recent AARP article, the American Heart Association no longer recommends that adults who have not had a heart attack or stroke take a low-dose aspirin a day to prevent one from occurring. This new advice is based on recent research showing that the risks of taking aspirin on a daily basis can outweigh its benefits in people with no history of heart problems.

Aspirin thins the blood, which can be life-saving in the event of a heart attack. But, because it can stop the blood from clotting, it can lead to increased risk of bleeding in the brain and stomach. If you’re currently on an aspirin regimen prescribed by your doctor and don’t have a history of heart attack or stroke, the AARP recommends not stopping your routine.

Instead, they suggest checking in with your doctor about whether you still need it and following their medical advice. As you decide what to do to improve your heart’s health, be sure to work with your doctor figuring out a plan that fits your needs and lifestyle.

Learn more over at the AARP's website.


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